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Attendance Management

This component is highly accurate in reporting daily attendance of Employees and Students. The Attendance can be marked by different Departments, Class and Section, which can be later analysed or checked by the system admin, teachers or principal for any scrutiny or errors.

The TeachMate Education Management helps to synchronize all the user devices so that the attendance data can be marked by any available device with daily integrated backup to the server. Thus, the user mark their attendance from mobile devices, and create the daily backup for attendance data. It also provides the feature to create and customize the attendance report accordingly. Upload all the attendance information with every entry created and consolidate it with the attendance module.

This module includes the features like :

Employee Attendance :
Admin can create daily attendance of the employees through our interactive mobile app, also they can view weekly, monthly and yearly Attendance. Admin can view the attendance of each and every employee / staff by weekly, monthly or year wise through different Stream / Department.
Student Attendance :
Teachers can create daily attendance of the students through our interactive mobile app, also they can view weekly, monthly and yearly Attendance of their students. Thus, parents can supervise and monitor their children's attendance. Teacher's can view the attendance of each and every students by class, section, month or year wise through different Stream / Department.
Register attendance & Regularize data :
Allows the employees / Students to record attendance from anywhere either through a web system or with their mobile devices. Helps in regularly saving the unrecorded attendance automatically and get notification of any changes made by employees in their attendance data.
Record real-time attendance from mobile app :
Attendance management records attendance data in real time basis with daily or weekly integration from various devices. This data is seamlessly consolidated with the other education management module. Employees can record attendance with the predefined access login using mobile app. This will give the real-time and daily update about what's happening at the institutional level and which employees / students come regularly and who do not.
Manage complete attendance information. :
Employees / Students can view all their attendance information in a extensive and user-friendly way, they can monitor their attendance sheet according to calendar view on all devices, including mobiles. They can view attendance details specific to leaves deductions and other associated rules of monthly leaves policy.
All-in-one Attendance management system :
The attendance management is not only the need of any institution but also one of the most significant necessity which assures them to have accurate attendance management. It is an essential system to reduce the human error and costs related to it. TeachMate Education Management includes all this features with that perfect solution for all your attendance management needs.