Finance Management
Educational institutes such as Schools / Colleges / Universities are usually recognized as charitable organization. Thus the purpose of TeachMate Education management is to help in promoting, developing and enhancing the quality of educational services with the support of financial management. Mostly the educational institutes are managed as non-profit organization, which leads to negligence in financial aspects. It needs to have persistent growth with adequate funds for the development and the infrastructure needs. Thus, there should be standardized and smooth financial management in every educational institute whether it is profit or non-profit organization. It have very different point of view for finance management, as they believe that its mainly to manage funds and other basic activities for the development and handling of the institutes. It is more focused and centralized in systematic way for development and acquisition of funds. Finance management is used to stabilize the financial position of the organization.
Educational institutes wants to have proper financial information and survival tactics in a competitive environment. Major success depends on ability to collect and use financial information in true sense. Institutes that are maintained well, contains right set of required financial information. Certain rules, laws and procedures are very well defined in educational institute with the help of financial decision making.
This module includes the features like :

Admin can also assign the fees head for different sections, when the student will give the fees to the school admin, it will add all the details like : Admission number or mobile number, with other details like stream, class, section and student name. After receiving the fees from the students the status of fees payment will change respectively.

This module can also help in handling the financial budget & expense of the Institute. they can add the expense master which will have the details like : Expense master name, contact number, Email, GST details, PAN number, Opening balance, Bank & Branch Name etc.
TeachMate Education management is designed with the tagline "Enhancing Education System". It is a user-interactive, flexible, robust, easy-to-access and diversified software platform, which can be embedded in all the generation devices.